In The Red is a selection of songs Emily MacLaren had composed and been playing live with the various incarnations of Michael Dracula as it had evolved over the past 4 years. Although it was two years in the making, and was first conceived as a sort of obituary to the first four years of Michael Dracula, In The Red (so named due to blighted finances and two weeks spent mixing in a freezing November with no heat due to French utilities supplier's "red days") will always be a sort of work in progress, as much of our recording technique and style was really just a mix of instinct and accident.
The result is just what was expected : driving rhythms on an out of tune piano, repetitive drums with minimal fills, black (motown, dub) basslines played by a white girl from Ohio, five guitar parts all playing the same wrong note while the ghost of an organ hums a tune on the periphery of your hearing, and a chorus of backing vocals chanting from the bathroom, all providing the backing track for songs about the complexities of human relationships, and getting fucked up....
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